Pediatric Dentistry Phobia Treatment NY Creating Positive Pediatric Dental Experiences to Overcome Dental Phobia

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Many children develop anxieties and fears related to visiting the dentist. At 949 Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics, we understand how stressful dental phobias can be for both children and parents. That’s why we have developed specialized techniques to help children overcome their dental fears and have positive dental experiences.

What Is Dental Phobia?

Dental phobia refers to an extreme fear or anxiety associated with visiting the dentist or receiving dental treatment. According to a 2013 study , around 36% of people experience some level of dental fear, while 12% suffer from extreme dental anxiety. Overcoming this common fear is critical for long-term dental health.

 This phobia can develop in children for various reasons, including:

  • Previous negative or traumatic dental experiences
  • Fear of dental instruments, sounds, and sensations
  • Fear of pain or discomfort during procedures
  • General anxiety about medical settings

Dental phobia can lead to poor oral health outcomes for children. When anxiety prevents proper oral hygiene and regular dental visits, tooth decay and other issues can develop.

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Signs Your Child May Have Dental Phobia

Dental phobia is more than just normal anxiety about going to the dentist. It is an excessive, unreasonable fear that can cause significant distress and avoidance. Watch for these signs that your child’s dental fears may have developed into a phobia:

  • Reluctance or refusal to visit the dentist
  • Crying, tantrums or panic attacks before appointments
  • Physical symptoms like nausea or dizziness at the thought of the dentist
  • Difficulty sleeping before a dental visit
  • Avoiding brushing due to fear of choking

If your child is exhibiting any of these behaviors, they may have developed a phobia requiring professional intervention. The longer the phobia persists, the more detrimental the effects on their oral health.

Causes of Pediatric Dental Phobia

To successfully overcome any phobia, we must understand its origins. Common causes of dental anxiety in children include:

Parental TransferenceChildren often adopt the same dental fears that their parents have. Anxiety in parents about dentistry can unintentionally reinforce these fears in their children.
Past TraumaPrevious traumatic injuries to the teeth or very stressful experiences at the dentist office greatly contribute to the development of dental phobias.
Fear of the UnknownNot being familiar with dental procedures or the environment allows children’s imaginations to run wild, which exacerbates the mystique and uncertainty around dentistry.
Child TemperamentSome children are naturally more shy, sensitive or prone to anxiety, which puts them at higher risk for developing dental phobias.
Lack of ControlThe unfamiliar dental environment and inability to control dental procedures triggers anxiety in some children.
Fear of PainApprehension about injections, drilling or potential discomfort creates fear of dentistry.

By identifying the specific sources of your child’s anxiety, we can directly target areas requiring support. Our discussions aim to uncover these causes for customized treatment.

The Effects of Dental Phobia

When left untreated, dental phobia can have serious consequences for children’s dental health and emotional wellbeing:

  • Tooth decay and gum disease from poor hygiene and lack of professional care
  • Delayed speech development due to dental issues
  • Low self-esteem and confidence due to dental aesthetics
  • Impaired nutrition and growth from inability to chew properly
  • Higher treatment costs from progressive damage

Additionally, the anxiety itself can significantly impact your child’s quality of life. Overcoming their fear is essential for proper development.

Our Approach to Treating Dental Phobia

At 949 Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics, our team is trained in addressing pediatric dental phobias through compassionate and effective techniques. We create individualized treatment plans to ease anxiety and help your child have a positive experience.

Our phobia treatment techniques include:

Tell, Show, Do

We explain each step in child-friendly terms, demonstrate tools playfully, and let children participate hands-on when they feel ready. This develops familiarity and comfort within the dental environment.

Positive Reinforcement

We provide enthusiastic praise, small toys, stickers and other rewards to recognize children’s bravery and progress. This builds their confidence and pride.

Relaxation Techniques

We teach deep breathing, visualization, meditation and other anxiety-reducing methods. These empower children with a sense of control over their fears.

Sedation Dentistry

For severe phobia cases, we offer safe sedation under specialist pediatric supervision so procedures can be completed without trauma or memory of the event.

Parent Involvement

We emphasize the vital importance of parents’ roles in reassuring children beforehand and modeling calm, confident behavior around dentistry. This establishes dental care as a normal part of health.


We schedule frequent short follow-up visits so children can gradually acclimate to our office at their own pace in a friendly, non-threatening environment.


Join the Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics family for dedicated, child-friendly dental care that makes every visit a fun experience.

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Sedation Dentistry for Maximum Relaxation

For children with severe dental phobia or anxiety, we offer sedation dentistry so dental work can be completed comfortably and safely. Sedation is facilitated by board-certified pediatric specialists.

We provide the following sedation options:

Type of SedationDescription
Inhaled SedationWith inhaled sedation, your child breathes a mixture of nitrous oxide gas and oxygen through a small mask. This induces a state of relaxation and mild euphoria while allowing your child to stay fully conscious.
Oral SedationYour child takes an oral sedative medication prior to their appointment. This medication will make them feel drowsy and calm for the dental visit. The level of sedation can range from minimal to moderate.
IV SedationFor extensive procedures, IV sedation is administered to induce deep relaxation. Your child receives sedatives through an intravenous line, allowing them to enter a dreamlike state while procedures are performed. This option offers the highest level of anxiety relief.

Our team will explain the types of dental sedation and help determine if it could benefit your child. With sedation, we can eliminate pain and memories of stressful dental visits. Your child deserves to have dental care provided in a completely calm manner. 

With this multi-faceted approach, we’re able to guide children through the emotions underlying their dental phobia for long-term success.

Our Caring Pediatric Dental Team

At the core of our dental phobia treatment is an expert, caring team focused on your child’s unique needs.

  • Compassionate Dentists: Our dentists have years of experience addressing dental anxiety in children. They understand how to communicate and develop trust.
  • Pediatric Specialists: We work with pediatric psychologists, sedation specialists and other professionals to ensure phobias are managed from all angles.
  • Friendly Staff: Our entire office staff is trained to be warm, gentle and accommodating to anxious kids. We create a judgment-free zone.
  • Child Advocates: From our first interactions, we become your child’s advocate, taking the time to understand their specific fears and goals.

With our pediatric-specific expertise, we’re able to connect with children on their level and transform how they perceive dentistry.

Our Soothing Pediatric Dental Office Environment

Our pediatric dental office is designed to minimize fear and anxiety in children. We have kid-friendly decor with bright colors, games, books and toys to provide a playful atmosphere. 

We play calming music and have noise-canceling headphones available. Our exam and treatment rooms have warm hues, soft lighting, and cushy seating for a home-like feel. We use dental tools sized for children to increase comfort. 

During longer appointments, children can watch movies or play games so time passes enjoyably. Our thoughtful office environment shows our commitment to making dentistry a positive experience for your child.

Your Child’s Smile, Our Specialty

Experience pediatric dentistry that truly understands your child – reserve their spot now and see the 949 difference.
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Stages of Pediatric Dental Phobia Treatment

At our practice, dental phobia treatment follows a staged approach to ensure steady progress:

1 – AssessmentWe thoroughly assess your child’s unique fears, triggers, symptoms and history. This enables us to craft a tailored treatment plan.
2 – Relationship BuildingWe dedicate initial visits to establishing rapport and trust with your child at their pace, without pressure.
3 – AcclimationYour child incrementally experiences aspects of dentistry, like sitting in the exam chair, as we provide encouragement.
4 – ProceduresOnce comfortable, we introduce dental procedures gradually, combining relaxation techniques with praise.
5 – MaintenanceFollow-ups reinforce the positive experiences and habits developed in our practice.

We customize timelines based on your child’s needs, moving through stages until dental phobia is overcome.

Setting Your Child Up for Dental Success

As a parent, you play a key role in your child’s dental health and attitudes. Here are some tips to help make dentist visits less stressful for your child and set them up for a lifetime of good oral care. With your guidance, your child can stay cavity-free and unafraid to flash their pearly whites.

  1. Keep calm yourself when discussing dentistry, to avoid transferring stress.
  2. Explain the importance of dental health in simple terms. Emphasize benefits, not consequences.
  3. Encourage questions and conversations about dental topics. Don’t evade their concerns.
  4. Schedule a visit for your child to familiarize themselves with the dental office.
  5. Practice relaxation techniques like deep breathing at home. Praise their efforts.
  6. Never use dentist visits as punishment or discipline. Keep experiences positive.
  7. Offer encouragement and acknowledge small wins. Don’t reprimand anxious behavior.
  8. Work closely with our team for guidance tailored to your child.

With patience and compassion from both parents and our dental team, even the most fearful children can overcome their dental phobias.

Restore Your Child’s Smile and Confidence with 949 Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics

If your child suffers from dental phobia, the caring experts at 949 Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics are here to help. Our personalized approach transforms dental anxiety into experiences of growth. By addressing the root causes and proceeding thoughtfully, we empower children to find enjoyment in dental visits.

Don’t let dental fear persist and risk your child’s health, confidence and development. Schedule an appointment for a consultation so we can start the journey towards a bright, worry-free smile together!


Join the Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics family for dedicated, child-friendly dental care that makes every visit a fun experience.

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